From Dream to Impact

About Us

From our humble beginnings to our current role as pioneers in microalgae biotechnology, our journey has always been driven by a commitment to sustainability and innovation. Through continuous research and development, we have created solutions that not only improve agricultural practices but also contribute to a healthier planet.


A world where socioeconomic development is driven by a circular, regenerative production system with a positive environmental and social impact.


Harness the potential of microalgae biotechnology to create biological solutions that replace chemical products across various sectors, contributing to environmental regeneration, human health, and improved quality of life.


“Innovation with purpose” means making things differently, but seeking a positive, meaningful and long-lasting impact on the world.







Crafting Success: The Milestones That Shaped AlgaEnergy


First academic publication on microalgae by Prof. Miguel Garcia Guerrero, our Chief Science Officer


Augusto Rodriguez-Villa, founder of AlgaEnergy, established his first successful company


AlgaEnergy was founded, as a vehicle devoted to consolidate, develop and apply the knowledge around microalgae in different sectors, establishing agreements with leading universities and licensing its first patents.


First laboratory owned by AlgaEnergy was created, and the initial trials with microalgae in agriculture were executed.


First pilot plant was established, a platform to generate upscaled knowledge and finetune technologies before investing in the industrial facility.


First industrial facility was established, a pioneering microalgae cultivation plant with 5 cultivation technologies that leverages GHG emissions from other industries and produces high value microalgal biomass.


Based on the consistent research results and market trends, the company pivots to agriculture as the priority business, dismissing other opportunities in sectors like energy or biomaterials, among others.


After years of successful pre-commercialization work with early adopters, AlgaEnergy starts the commercialization of its agricultural solutions with leading players on the Spanish market.


Kick-off of its global expansion project, establishing the first international subsidiaries, and starting a global process of hiring, product registration and commercialization.


Joining of De Sangosse group, a global leader in biosolutions with over 1,500 employees, 40 operating companies and hundred years of existence.


Over 5 million satisfied farmers using AlgaEnergy solutions globally, a number that increases exponentially.

No human activity is more exciting than one that might help alleviate several of the serious crises humanity faces today, including those related to food security and environmental sustainability.

Read the full message

Augusto Rodríguez-Villa

Founder & President of Management Committee


More than 30 awards
and recognitions

‘Alcobendas Leader’ Award in the category ‘Business and Sustainability’ (2022)

Alcobendas City Council awarded AlgaEnergy the ‘Alcobendas Leader’ Award, more specifically in the category of Business and Sustainability, "for implementing changes in management focused on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), betting on sustainability as a basis for productivity".

Second prize in the 'Blue and Green Economy' category of the Social Innovation Tournament (2022)

AlgaEnergy has been distinguished with the second prize in the 'Blue and Green Economy' category of the Social Innovation Tournament, an initiative of the European Investment Bank Institute (EIB Institute) to recognize the best European entrepreneurs and promote innovative ideas and initiatives that contribute to generate social, ethical and environmental impact.

CEPYME International Development Award (2022)

The Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME) has granted AlgaEnergy the 2022 CEPYME Award in the category of Development Award. The President of AlgaEnergy, Augusto Rodriguez-Villa, received the award from the Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz.

Best Biostimulant Product in BioAg Asia (2022)

AlgaEnergy was awarded as 'Best Biostimulant Products' in Bio AgAsia 2022 for developing innovative biostimulants to combat abiotic stresses and increase crop productivity. AlgaEnergy’s Vice President for Asia-Pacific, Debabrata Sarkar, was also recognized as the 'BioAg CEO' award.

Expansion Award for the Transformation towards a Sustainable Economy 2022

AlgaEnergy has been awarded the Expansion Award for the Transformation towards a Sustainable Economy in the category of 'Sustainable Entrepreneur' for being the "best business initiative oriented to the SDGs". These awards are convened by Expansion, a leading economic information newspaper, sponsored by Bankinter and KPMG and coordinated by IE University.

B Corp certification

In 2021, AlgaEnergy becomes the first Spanish biotechnology company to obtain the B Corp certification, after demonstrating during a long and in-depth audit process that its activity generates a positive impact on society and on the planet. AlgaEnergy has proven to comply with rigorous quality standards related to governance, the human team, its clients, the environment, the organization's atmosphere and the community.

Environmental Award 2020 granted by the Regional Government of Andalusia

AlgaEnergy was given the Environmental Award 2020 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Regional Government of Andalusia, in the category of Circular Economy. With this award, the Regional Government distinguishes people, companies and entities that, over the last year, have notably stood out in the conservation, protection and spread of the environmental values of Andalusia in various disciplines.

Award "Best Pitch" in the event EIC Investor Day - EU Green Deal, 2020

Organized by the European Commission in the category of Climate Change, Resource Efficiencies and Agri-food Technology.

"The Product of Great Potential" award for 2020

AlgaEnergy received this award for its plant biostimulant products at the Special Fertilizer Expo in Nanning, China, on June 20, 2020.

"BlueInvest - People’s Choice" Award (2019)

The award ceremony took place within the framework of the prestigious BlueInvest Day event, organized by the European Commission and delivered by Virginijus Sinkevicius, Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries of the European Commission.

Seal "Solar Impulse - Efficient Solutions" (2019)

The variety of microalgae-based biostimulants in AgriAlgae® were recognized with this international certificate, having demonstrated to a group of evaluating experts their sustainability and the economic profitability they provide to the farmer.

CEPYME Award for Technological Innovation, 2019

The Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME) has granted AlgaEnergy the 2019 CEPYME Award in the category of Technological Innovation. The President of AlgaEnergy, Augusto Rodriguez-Villa, received the award from the Minister of Economy and Business of the Government of Spain, Nadia Calviño.

Award for Technology Leadership by Agriculture Today, 2019

AlgaEnergy’s wholly owned subsidiary in India, MicroAlgae Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. (MASI), won the prestigious Technology Leadership Award for 2019 presented by the Minister of Agriculture of India, the Honorable Shri Narendra Singh Tomar on behalf of Agriculture Today India. This recognition of the unique natural and organic technologies created by AlgaEnergy and developed for the India market by MASI highlights the success that AlgaEnergy has had in other markets with its best-in-class crop nutrition products.

Agroexpo Business Innovation Award, 2018

AlgaEnergy received the “Award for Business Innovation” granted by a jury of experts selected by the organizers of the trade fair Agroexpo in Badajoz (Spain). AlgaEnergy was recognized for its microalgae-based agricultural biostimulant AgriAlgae® Premium. Carlos Rodríguez-Villa and Carmela Pérez, General Manager and Business Development Manager of AlgaEnergy respectively, collected the award from the President of Extremadura, Mr. Guillermo Fernández Vara.

‘Macfrut Innovation' Award, 2018

AlgaEnergy received the ‘Award for Innovation Macfrut 2018’ granted by a jury of experts selected by the organizer of the trade fair Macfrut in Rimini, Italy. AlgaEnergy was recognized for its range of microalgae-based agricultural biostimulant AgriAlgae®. The award was collected by Miguel Rodríguez-Villa and Giuseppe Castellani, Expansion Manager of AlgaEnergy and Country Manager of AgriAlgae® in Italy, respectively.

Expoquimia R&D Biotechnology Award, 2017

AlgaEnergy was recognized with the “Award for Biotechnology Research and Innovation” granted by the organization of the event Expoquimia, a triennial fair held in Barcelona, which gathers the main players in sectors such as biotechnology, chemical or industrial engineering, among others. AlgaEnergy was recognized for its microalgae-based agricultural biostimulant AgriAlgae®.

Award for Environmental Sustainability and Ecological Production, 2017

The organization of the event Infoagro Exhibition unanimously granted to AlgaEnergy the Award for Environmental Sustainability and Ecological Production, both for its business trajectory and for its range of AgriAlgae® biostimulants. Present among invited guests at the ceremony was María del Carmen Ortiz Díaz, Minister of Agriculture of the Regional Government of Andalusia.

European Business Award for the Environment - Spain Section, 2016

The Biodiversity Foundation, promoted by MAGRAMA, awarded AlgaEnergy with the European Environment Award - Spain Section, 2015-2016. This is a biannual recognition of importance at a European Commission level. Accordingly, AlgaEnergy became the Spanish representative before the European Commission for 2016-2017.

Award of University of Almeria for the Promotion of Research, 2014

The Social Council of University of Almeria awarded AlgaEnergy the Honorary Award of the Social Council of University of Almeria for Supporting Society-University Research (9th Edition, 2014), in the category, "Companies and institutions that distinguish themselves especially for their research activities".

XIII Sustainability and Environment Awards, 2013

AlgaEnergy received an award from the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment in the XIII Sustainability and Environment Awards (need to add year or delete this comment)..

Award for one of the "Ten Best Ideas to Save Nature" (2012)

For the sixth consecutive year, the ecologist magazine RedLife, the CO2ALGAEFIX project, led by AlgaEnergy in Arcos de la Frontera (Cadiz) was chosen by a selection of almost 6,000 reader-voters and a jury of expert biologists, scientists, journalists and businessmen as one of the "Ten Best Ideas to Save Nature".

Madrid+d Award of the Community of Madrid

In 2009, madri+d awarded AlgaEnergy for the Best Technology-Based Business Plan.


Proud members of the De Sangosse group, an international leader in biosolutions for agriculture with nearly 100 years of experience. With a presence in over 80 markets, more than 1,500 employees, and over 40 operational companies worldwide.